Project Health Checks

When a project is not performing as expected, or when a client would like to get an in-depth understanding of how their projects are performing and whether or not they will achieve their goals, they contact us to provide our independent, unbiased opinion. 

Our team of Portfolio, Program, and Project Management Subject Matter Experts utilize our robust diagnostics tools to provide you with answers to the following questions:

  1. Cost performance:
    1. Has the project been performing over or under budget?
    2. Why?
    3. What will the project cost to complete?
    4. How can the project be brought back on budget? (as applicable)
    5. Is there room to cut cost?
  2. Schedule performance:
    1. Is the project meeting its schedule targets?
    2. Why?
    3. How long will the project take to complete?
    4. How can the project be brought back on track? (as applicable)
    5. Would shortening the schedule be in favor of the project owner? Why?
    6. What is (are) the most effective way(s) of shortening the project schedule?
  3. Scope performance
    1. Is the project delivering the scope?
    2. Is the scope properly and clearly defined?
    3. Are there parts of the scope that have not been, or will not be, addressed?
    4. Has the scope been validated?
    5. Is there scope-creep?
    6. Are there scope redundancies?
    7. Is there any work that is missing from scope?
  4. Risk performance
    1. Is the project exposed to unidentified risk?
    2. Are risks ownerships solid and do they reflect sufficient commitments?
    3. Are assumptions still valid?
    4. Are their unidentified/unaddressed assumptions? How to best address them?
    5. Are Constraints real?
    6. Are mitigation plans sound?
    7. Is there sufficient risk reserve?
    8. Are there sufficient risk management practices undertaken?
  5. Benefits performance
    1. What is the probability the project will deliver anticipated benefits?
    2. Are there benefit realization management activities and processes in place?
    3. Are there any impediments to benefits realization that have not been identified?
    4. Is the project still viable from a benefits standpoint?
    5. What corrective action is possible? (as applicable)

The final deliverable is a user-friendly yet comprehensive dashboard, presenting vital indicators on all the above coupled with drill-down ability to provide detailed information and root cause analyses.  

Concerned about the health of your project? Contact us to get a full picture.  

All services performed by BRISK Business Inc. are in complete alignment with the Project Management Institute (PMI®)’s standards, practice guides, and best practices.

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